Author Amielieja Terblanche speaks about role of Robotics in Education: Fostering Critical Thinking and Technological Literacy for an AI-Driven World
With the fourth industrial revolution in full swing. Businesses are clear that they need workers that are analytical, creative & critical thinkers, collaborators, problem-solvers, and technological literate. The development of IoT, ChatGPT and AI has made it clear that the jobs that the children in the current education system will have do not exist. So, educators and people in the education sector need to find ways to develop the children for the jobs that do not exist yet. This is the reason why robotics is so very important in education now.
The children of today will have AI & robots in their homes, on the streets and at their workplace as a normal occurrence. They will need to know and understand how AI & robots work and function. So therefore, if we develop critical thinkers and collaborators and our children are technologically advanced, they will have the ability to adapt to any new jobs that are created and don’t exist yet. The future is bright and the idea that we will reach Mars and that our children and their grandchildren will fly between earth and Mars still seems very futuristic but could be a reality with the IoT of things, AI development and machine learning. If we look at the fact that AI1 (Artificial Intelligence) + AI2 (Authentic Intelligence) = AI3 (Augmented Intelligence) and the fact that this non-mathematical formula will continue to grow it is necessary to prepare our children properly.
Amie is the Departmental Head of IT at Parkview Senior School. She has 20 years of ICT experience and 25 years of IT experience. In addition, she has 26 years of school teaching experience, her subjects includes: Coding and Robotics, Computer Studies, Information Technology and Computer Applications Technology. Mathematics, Technology, Natural Science, Afrikaans, Social Science and Life Skills. She is also an ICT Coordinator, a Curriclum Developer as well as a Translator. Amie’s tertiary qualifications includes a an A+ Technician Diploma, a Bachelors of Arts Degree with Honours, as well as a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE).