Exam Preparation 101

Exam Preparation 101

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war” wrote Sun Tzu in The Art of War. As dramatic as it might seem, it’s applicable to entering an exam. Students who study successfully do so by applying successful learning strategies. Cramming the night before is like...
Drawing up a personal study timetable

Drawing up a personal study timetable

Hard work can take you far but well planned hard work can take you even further. If you really want to get the most out of your studying a timetable is essential. The trick is to draw up something that works for you – instead of you just working for it. Here’s a guide...
Bright Ideas for studying at night

Bright Ideas for studying at night

Some might find the glow of their lamp and the chirping of the crickets peaceful. Others might see it as a gauntlet dividing them from their ever so soft pillows. Preferences aside, studying at night is a fact of life. You’ve got to do it, so do it well. Here are some...
Introducing Oxford’s Student Zone

Introducing Oxford’s Student Zone

Oxford’s Higher Education Student Zone is the central point where students using a prescribed Oxford textbook can find tools to inform and assist with studying, exams and preparation. The Student Zone is divided into three sections for ease of use: Student Assist,...