Going digital saves time!

New technologies, such as social media, cell phones, digital devices, and apps for almost everything, have sparked fierce debate. On the one hand, there are those who fiercely favour technology and cannot picture their life without it. On the other hand, some people...

Become a VOCAL Online Teacher!

When John Savery created an acronym in 2005, he hoped it would be useful to teachers in their attempts to be successful in online teaching (Savery, 2005: 141). Visual, Organized, Compassionate, Analytical, and Leader-by-Example were the words used to create the...

7 Simple Suggestions For Blended Learning

The terms “hybrid” and “blended” learning are the new “it” words in a post-pandemic education system. Nevertheless, how can you know whether you are doing things correctly or not? There appears to be an infinite number of authors claiming to be experts in this field...