In the FET Phase (Grades 10 to 12), learners are faced with a myriad challenging (and often downright confusing) concepts with which they need to grapple, whether they choose Mathematical Literacy or (Pure) Mathematics.
This is evident in the fact that these “hot spots” consistently appear on the DBE’s National Senior Certificate Diagnostic Report (released after Matric exam results) as areas in which learners perform the poorest. These concepts are not “quick wins” which can be mastered by cramming the night before an exam. They need plenty of practice, engagement, and perseverance in order to succeed.
Learn with Oxford provides a variety of Zoom In mathematics content which does just this! Providing the best of digital learning opportunities through engaging videos, animations, simulations, interactive activities, games and slide shows, learners can master these critical concepts and feel super confident going into exams.
We’ve listed a few of the concepts that learners tend to find difficult or confusing in Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy and shown how the Zoom In digital study series tackles them. Throughout the FET Phase, one of the trickiest topics in Mathematics is Trigonometry. Zoom In Mathematics Grade 10 gives learners a great opportunity to master this topic from the start through simulations, which allow hands-on interaction with the content.
In Grade 11 Mathematical Literacy, learners often struggle with the application of measurement. Zoom In Mathematical Literacy is packed with engaging videos to make learning fun. In Grade 12, data handling can often leave learners scratching their heads. This topic requires plenty of practice to allow learners to apply their knowledge to a range of real-life scenarios. Zoom In Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 contains revision questions, graded activities and exam-type questions with answers.
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