Izimpukane eziningi zinyonyobela ekamelweni likaKhanya. Ingabe zifunani ekamelweni likaKhanya izimpukane? Uzokwenzenjani uKhanya?
A lot of flies are buzzing in Khanya’s room. What are the flies looking for and why are there so many of them? What is Khanya going to do?
Read by Author: Wazi M Kunene
Wazi M Kunene is a children’s book author, an Award-winning Standup Comedian and an all-round artist born in 1992 in Pietermaritzburg, KZN.
After obtaining her Bachelor of Arts degree from Rhodes University, Wazi bravely maneuvered the creative industry. Her artistry knows no bounds, intentionally swaying between writing, voice overs and acting.
Wazi embraces every artistic discipline she engages in and enjoys writing in her own mother tongue more than anything. She has worked with many schools, storytelling and encouraging learners to learn isiZulu using creative classroom games. She has also voiced Zulu characters for educational programs like the Khan Academy and Vodacom eSchooling project.