Online Reading Corner

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An Author reads: Kobus gaan Amerika toe!

Kobus gaan Amerika toe! is ’n heerlike humoristiese verhaal wat vir beginnerlesers leer dat ons almal maar soms vir onsself mag lag.

An Author Reads: Let’s Go Lizzy

Let’s go on holiday with Lizzy and her grandparents! “Let’s Go Lizzy” is a story about a little girl called Lizzy that goes on holiday with her grandparents and sees and uses a lot of different modes of transport along the way. Listen to “Let’s Go Lizzy” read by...

An author reads: Izivakashi emkhathini

Aliens journey to different planets - A family of aliens are on holiday. They visit different planets. However, at each planet something goes wrong. All dad wants to do is take a family photo but each time something goes wrong and they end up taking a ruined...

An author reads: Hen’s clever plan

Hen hatches a plan to help Cow go on holiday, read by author Lindy Brien. We’ve even included some worksheets to download and keep you busy during the holidays. This title is a part of the Aweh! English Grade 1 Level 4 (Reader 9). Download Worksheets Download Cover...